Orinda Watch letter to Council - PLEASE read!
Dear Orinda Watch Members and friends,
Yesterday, the Orinda City Council posted the agenda, staff report, and citizen comments for Monday night’s special meeting on Plan Bay Area here.
We can’t tell you how much we respect and appreciate each one of you for making your concerns about Plan Bay Area known to the Council. It is your doing so that has led to the Council scheduling this special meeting.
One of the most troubling aspects of this sad and unfortunate event known as Plan Bay Area, is that local governments have not asked for the views of their residents on this Plan. ABAG and MTC have had the field to themselves to engage in their exercise of seeking manufactured consent, while the voices of the citizens have been ignored, marginalized, and minimized.
Until now--and thanks to you.
This is our time to have our voices heard. Please do whatever you can to show up on Monday night, May 13, 7:00pm at the Orinda Library Auditorium, and do everything you can to encourage your friends and neighbors to attend as well.
And, please take time to read the letter that Orinda Watch delivered to the city today, along with the supporting materials. If nothing else, please read the file entitled “Orinda Watch comment on Plan Bay Area.” It’s that important. This will not be a waste of your time.
In this letter we lay out the evidence about this profoundly dishonest Plan and show how that evidence “paint[s] a devastating picture of two unaccountable agencies and a process that has gone terribly awry.”
Please be sure to share this letter with your neighbors and friends as well.
Thank you,
Orinda Watch Leadership
p.s., we cannot recommend highly enough that you also review the attachments to our letter to the City Council, if you have the time. We’ve also attached here the list of appendices to our letter—you can find the attachments on the City’s website along with the letter at the link above, or we can send you individual appendices or all of them at your request.
Click HERE to download the Orinda Watch Comment Letter submitted to Orinda City Council.
Click HERE to download the Table of Appendices; then email us at orindawatch@gmail.com for a copy of any Appendix you'd like to read.